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University of Portsmouth champion women through scholarships

The Dean of Portsmouth Business School is championing support for women by offering substantial scholarships to the Masters in Business Administration (MBA) course.

The MBA is seen worldwide as the gold standard in postgraduate business education, opening doors to leadership roles.

Portsmouth Business School’s Executive MBA is a two-year part-time course.

The two ‘Women in Leadership’ scholarships, each worth 50% off student tuition fees, are open to women beginning the course at Portsmouth this September.

Professor Gioia Pescetto, Dean of Portsmouth Business School, says the scholarships are designed to encourage more women into leadership roles, to inspire more women to realise their potential to become leaders and take seats in boardrooms.

She said: “I am delighted we are able to show our support to women in business in such a tangible way. Time and again, we hear that women are stymied by the glass ceiling, or because of taking a career break to raise a family, or because few can afford to undertake postgraduate leadership courses.

“MBA graduates are in an enviable position of having enormous potential to contribute to the economic and social well-being of others.

“These new scholarships give two women the chance to take the next step in their careers and go on to inspire many more women as leaders over the course of their careers.”

The University of Portsmouth are known for their commitment to encouraging and inspiring women into leadership, and have held the Athena SWAN institutional bronze award in recognition of its commitment to advancing women’s careers since 2014.

Find out more about MBA scholarships on the University of Portsmouth website »